Donna Moore Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy

Private practice conveniently located in Ormskirk covering Southport, Formby, Maghull, Skelmersdale, Wigan,  Liverpool, Manchester and beyond.  I offer both face-to-face and online sessions.  There is sufficient parking outside the premises.

Mobile: 07765 258527

Weight Loss

By now you have probably tried all sorts of diets and found that it’s impossible to stick to any diet for an extended period of time. As soon as you stop dieting… you just gain the weight back. And you then end up heavier than when you first started dieting. Does this sound familiar?

Everyone knows that to lose weight you need to eat less and exercise more. It is also clearly established that dieting does not work in any long term way. Diets seem to encourage people to adopt two very strong beliefs. Firstly, they build up an expectation that you are going to have to make yourself do something you don't want to do. Secondly, they are supposed to be difficult. Modern approaches to change, including hypnotherapy and applied psychology methods create a very serious challenge to both of these beliefs. Hypnotherapists and Psychotherapists believe that healthy weight management can be as easy as any habit and that it can be a choice.

With my results orientated weight management programmes, there really is a better way to control your weight. My programmes assists you with the psychological and motivational aspects of weight reduction. As dieting on a conscious level often results in failure, working with your subconscious mind is the key to success. Learn how to take control of food rather than allowing food to control you. Whether you have a life-long weight issue, or yo-yo dieting is dictating your life, I will tailor an individual treatment plan using a combination of therapies to help bring about permanent change in your eating patterns, allowing you to form a long-term healthy relationship with food and ultimately enabling you to lose weight effortlessly with long lasting effects. As part of the process, I will help you to feel physically relaxed, mentally calmer and so much more confident in yourself, so very quickly you will notice that many other areas of your life improve too!

As a registered Psychotherapist as well as a registered Hypnotherapist, I believe that treating obesity without addressing any underlying emotional contributors is irresponsible and unlikely to achieve long-term sustainable results. Therefore, as my aim is to help you achieve a life-time change, both programmes comprehensively address any underlying emotional issues.

If you would like further information and a free friendly and confidential mini consultation with no obligation, please call me on 07765 258527. If I am with a client, please leave a message and I will be happy to return your call as soon as I can.